About Form Landscapes

Proprietor of Form Landscapes, Brett Grono grew up at the foot of the Blue Mountains in NSW. Inspired by native bushland, flora and fauna at a young age, he always knew he would want to work in a field he was passionate about.

He completed a Horticulture and Landscaping Trade at Hawkesbury Agricultural College – graduating at a distinction level. Then completed his apprenticeship with a prominent landscapes company in the heart of Sydney.

Brett wanted to broaden his horizons so he travelled extensively overseas whilst working in the Horticulture and Landscaping Industry learning different techniques, plans, materials and design concepts.

He decided to come back to Australia and settled in Perth 12 years ago. During this time, he has completed future studies in Landscape Design, Costing and Estimating and Water Wise Garden plus gained a vast amount of local knowledge and contacts.

“My passion and knowledge in the design, construction and maintenance of your outdoor living spaces and landscapes ensures that I can give my clients the best possible advice to ensure they achieve exactly what they want out of the experience.”
Brett Grono